Mouse Pointer Engine Privacy Policy

Effective Dateļ¼š2024.09.01
1. overview
This Privacy Policy applies to the App "Mouse Pointer Engine", developed by the "Mouse Pointer Engine Team", we respect and value your privacy, and we do not use any tracking software in our App or website. We do not use trackers, cookies, logs or similar technologies that can track you, nor do we store any data about your use or browsing of the website. We may only store some information about you when you send us an email. In this case, your data will be deleted within a reasonable period of time, and if you ask us to delete your data, we will do so immediately. When using our App, we only obtain the nickname and user avatar you set in Steam from your service provider Steam, and we do not store the nickname and user avatar in our servers.
2. The purpose, manner and scope of the collection of personal information
Any data collection in our App and Services is carried out by the "Mouse Pointer Engine Team". Please refer to Section 5 of this Privacy Policy for contact details. Neither our website nor the App collect any data and personal information about you. We will only store your information when you send us an email, in which case we will only use your email content and address to respond to your email. No data will be shared with third parties without your prior consent. When using our App, we only obtain the nickname and user avatar you set in Steam from your service provider Steam, and we do not store the nickname and user avatar in our servers.
3. Acquisition of privacy rights and use of permissions
We respect and value your privacy, and we do not use any tracking software in our apps or websites. We do not use trackers, cookies, logs or similar technologies that can track you, nor do we store any data about your use or browsing of the website.
4. Disclosure, deletion, and correction of your data and personal information
Although we only store data related to emails, you still have the right to receive a copy of all the data we store about you. You can also request the immediate deletion of all data we have about you, in particular emails. You can contact us through the contact details set out in Section 5 of this Privacy Policy. When using the App, the nicknames and avatars we get through Steam are up-to-date and we only display them and do not make any modifications.
5. Contact information
You can contact us via: